BOSL NEWS - 2015
October 26, 2015
The Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday October 22nd at Hectors.
Meeting Highlights
- The 2016 Board of Directors were confirmed:
- Glen Baxby, Brian Blume, Scot Cameron, Dan Durnford, Ron Evinou, Jim Hindley, Steve Rowsell & Mike Starr
- Deeth and Company were confirmed to complete the 2016 audit
- The Free 2016 BOSL membership draw was won by John Rotundo
- The bat was won by Steve Rowsell with $160.00 raised for next year’s charity
Remember to register now and pay by March 1, 2016. This will help the new Board of Director with our preparation for the 2016 season.
also - letter received from BCSS, October 22, 2015
Burlington Oldtimers Slow- Pitch
Attn: Nick Popovacki and Team
Dear Nick:
Thank you! We would like to thank you and the BOSL for your support of Breast Cancer Support Services and for the energy and passion that you put into organizing your baseball tournaments and golf day!
Every day we reach out to women and their families who are frightened and in shock and simply do not know where to turn for help. These women tell us over and over again how much our service has meant to them and how thankful they are that we were there when they needed us. Some of the ways in which we support them are through monthly support groups, weekly seminars, prosthesis and wig lending, access to our Serenity Garden, weekly Holistic programs, access to our library, breast health community programs and our Mastectomy and Chemotherapy Comfort Bags. The money that you raised will help us to continue our work.
We thank you again from the bottom of our hearts for your help, knowing together we can make the journey easier for those affected by cancer by encouraging, enlightening and empowering our survivors.
Laura Stevenson and all of us at BCSS
Special Events & Fundraising
October 21, 2015
BOSL Annual General Meeting
THURSDAY, October 22, 2015 at 7:00pm
Hectors (BOHC Clubhouse)
Just a reminder for THURSDAY, October 22, 2015 at 7:00pm
BOSL Annual General Meeting
Hectors (BOHC Clubhouse, 3521 Mainway Drive)
AGM attendees must be current registered *members of BOSL.
Registrations will be available at the meeting.
As a special incentive those in attendance can purchase draw tickets for an Easton SP15MKC 34” 27oz Bat ($5.00 per ticket) with the proceeds going to next year's charity.
1. Acceptance of last years AGM minutes -
2. Financial review
3. Nomination of Audit Reviewer for 2016
4. Board of Directors election (if needed)
5. Election results (if needed)
6. New business
7. Adjournment.
We are holding the registration fee at $250.00. Register here - Remember that if you refer a friend to join, you will receive a $20.00 QB’s card.
I look forward to see you at the Annual General Meeting
Jim Hindley
October 8, 2015
BOSL Annual General Meeting
THURSDAY, October 22, 2015 at 7:00pm
Hectors (BOHC Clubhouse)
AGM attendees must be current registered *members of the BOSL. Registrations will be available at the meeting.
1. Acceptance of last years AGM minutes
2. Financial review
3. Nomination of Audit Reviewer for 2016
4. Board of Directors election (if needed)
5. Election results (if needed)
6. New business
7. Adjournment.
We are holding the registration fee at $250.00. Register here - Remember that if you refer a friend to join, you will receive a $20.00 QB’s card.
I look forward to see you at the Annual General Meeting
Jim Hindley
September 15, 2015
The 2015 playing season is done
Congratulations to our tournament winners! (click here to check them out)

There are a couple more key dates that I want make you all aware of and of course some requests as well:
2015 Awards Banquet – September 19, 2015
The cut-off to purchase tickets is Tuesday September 15th. You must have a ticket to attend the event. The best way to purchase is online at
2015 Annual General meeting – October 22, 2015
Nominations for the 2016 Board of Directors – the deadline to put your name forward is October 1, 2015. You need to send your intentions to me along with nominations from 2 BOSL members.
By-Law Changes – any suggested changes must be submitted to be in writing no later than October 7th. The official AGM agenda will be distributed on October 8th
We are holding the registration fee at $250.00. Payment must be made by March 1, 2016 to ensure your spot in the 2016 player draft. If you register online before midnight September 19th, you will be entered into a draw for a free 2016 membership at the AGM. Remember that if you refer a friend to join, you will receive a $20.00 QB’s card.
I look forward to see you at Awards Night and the Annual General Meeting
Jim Hindley -
September 3, 2015
Registration for the 2016 season is now open!
Registration fees remain at $250.00
Registration can be completed online at
You can pay online with your registration, pay online later (by March 1st 2016) or drop off a postdated cheque (March 1, 2016) at the bunker during the year end tournament or at the BOHC clubhouse (Hectors) in the off season. (Registration forms will also be available at the bunker)
Those who register by midnight September 19th will be included in a draw for a FREE MEMBERSHIP which will be held at our Annual General Meeting in October.
As always the best way to recruit new players is through you, we will continue with our “refer a friend” program which will get you a $20.00 QB’s gift certificate for any new members you get to register.
Thanks for your ongoing support of the BOSL.
Jim Hindley -
August 25, 2015
Season Ending Tourney
It's hard to believe there are only 6 games left and the season-ending tournament is just around the corner.There is great balance this year and the tournament appears to be up for grabs. The tournament is scheduled to begin on Friday, Sep 11 and end on Sunday, Sep 13. Here's what you can expect:
- On Saturday of the tournament, we will be acknowledging and supporting the work of this year's charity, Breast Cancer Support Services. We are asking players and wives to pull out the pink and wear as much as you have on that day. Players will still need to wear their team jerseys, but will be allowed to go pink in any other way they can (hats, socks, belts, pants, etc.). The league has acquired a supply of pink wrist bands which will be available for $5 each prior to and during the tournament. Proceeds will go to the charity.

- In addition, the Burlington firefighters, a huge supporter of our charity, will be sending a fire truck to Sherwood Park on Saturday from 12-2 (unless an emergency pulls them away) for children to visit.
- Joe Dogs Gasbar Grill will be providing the food once again and Meg and the ladies at QBs will be handling bar duties.
- We are currently trying to get massages and physio consultations arranged. Stay tuned.
- As always, the tournaments cannot be run without the help of the membership. Volunteers are needed for the following:
- Friday afternoon setup (4 pm). This includes field set up, dugout tarps, signs, bar setup, boundary installation and other duties as needed.
- 50/50 ticket sales for Friday, Saturday and Sunday
- Sunday evening take down (after 6 pm). This includes readying everything to be sent to storage and general clean up.
Please contact Michael Ciccone if you are able to help out.
Look for the tournament odds soon!
Michael Ciccone - Tournament Director
August 7, 2015
Only 3 foursomes remaining for the BOSL Annual Golf Tournament!
The tournament is just over a week away and there is only space for 3 more foursomes. Get your team registered to avoid disappointment. There are also a couple of individual spots available if you do not have a foursome.
We have some exciting activities both on and off the course.
On the course we have a $5,000.00 hole-in-one contest!!!
Other contests are Men's and Ladies' longest drive and closest to the pin. Check out the BOSL website for details.
We also have our popular putting contest to kick things off.
After your round while you enjoy a bbq dinner, check out our sports memorabilia silent auction.
Proceeds from the tournament go to this years charity
August 3, 2015
Happy 75th Bobby!

June 15, 2015
It's time to have your say
You may have already noticed a change to our home page. On the left side banner, you will see a blue suggestion box called “Crazy Ideas”. A couple of years ago, we created an email address – – to let our members submit their ideas that would improve the BOSL. These idea’s aren’t crazy, but essential to help us keep the league going and keep us aware of areas of improvement to improve the on field and off field experience of our players.
This email address will be one of the front doors for any rule changes you may want to raise or any suggestions you have that you feel will help the league. If you click the blue box you will be taken to the Ideas tab where you can read more about the process.
Now that I have said all that, I would like to put this to the test. Now that we have had another great mid-season tournament (thanks again to Mike Ciccone and all the volunteers), we would like your feedback to help us make the year-end tournament even better. Please provide your comments through the email address and I can assure you that we will review each and every one of them.
Jim Hindley
BOSL President
May 29, 2015
It's Mid-Season Tournament Time
June is right around the corner and the Mid-season Tournament is sneaking up quickly. The tournament begins on Friday, June 12 and ends on Sunday, June 14.

For the new players in the league, each team is guaranteed six games on the weekend (1 Friday, 3 Saturday, 2 Sunday). It is a round robin format and the consolation and championship finals are played at appx 3 p.m. on Sunday. Beer and coolers are served by Meg and staff from QBs and the food will be served by Joe Dog's Gasbar Grill, including breakfast on Saturday and Sunday morning. There is also a concession stand that sells water, Gatorade, pop, and candy. We encourage you to bring your families.
As always, the help we receive from volunteers is what makes it work. Team captains will be asked to offer volunteers to either a breakdown the fields after the games on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and a set up on Saturday and Sunday. However, we need additional help for the following:
- Set up Friday afternoon: This primarily entails moving materials from storage, installing the bases, lining the field with chalk, displaying BOSL signage and setting up the "no alcohol" boundaries. Traditionally, volunteers meet at QBs at 2 p.m. The work is usually done by 5 p.m.
- Sunday evening take-down: This primarily entails packing everything up and moving it back to storage unit. This usually commences around 6 p.m.and ends at 8 p.m. The more volunteers we have, the faster it goes.
In both cases, it is very helpful to have guys with trucks, pick-up trucks or heavy duty vans that they are willing to put to use. If you can help, please contact the Tournament Director Michael Ciccone.
Thank you
Golf Day at Tyandaga
We are now only a few weeks away from our Golf Day at Tyandaga!!
Space is filling up and really hope that everyone(golfers and non golfers) can attend. For those who have registered but still have to pay, please pay online or give me a cheque before August 8th as we have to pay the golf course August 9th.
If anyone or their company would like to sponsor a hole or can donate prizes for the prize table it would be very much appreciated. For those who have already donated or said they have items (thank you), please get them to me by August 1st. Hole sponsors can contact me at the email below.
Remember, this golf day is not limited to just players of the league. Spouses, neighbours, friends, relatives all are welcome for a fun day!! Thank you for everyone’s support for making this event possible.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at Tyandaga in August.
Steve Sell
BOSL Social Director
March 10, 2015
The Player Draft is just 5 weeks away!
Can you feel the heat yet? Our annual player draft is set for Saturday April 18 at 9am - the snow is melting... It's time to get all those fence-sitters to register and get ready for Spring Training. Now that it is above zero, step outside and tell your neighbour to sign up for Slo-Pitch.

Our Opening Stag and Sponsor Night is set for Thursday, April 30, 2015 (7:00 PM)
Feel like a St Patricks Day Party?
On Friday March 13th, 8 pm start time, Burlington Lions Club, 471 Pearl St. Tara is throwing a St Paddy’s Day event to raise funds for the ride. There will be door prizes, raffles, games, and of course plenty of drinks! She is selling tickets to the event for only $20, and all proceeds will be donated to the cause.
Feel like Bowling?
Bowling Tournament in Burlington in late April at Splitsville Bowling Centre
- - Russell Ross
Are we there yet?
"Its hard to believe that Opening Day of the BOSL 2015 Season is less than 3 months away! Since November, the Board of Directors have been working hard to get ready! I wanted to share the key dates that I am sure you are interested in:
- BOSL Annual Draft - April 18, 2015
- BOSL Stag Night - April 30, 2015
- BOSL opening day - May 5, 2015
- BOSL June Tournament - June 12-14, 2015
- BOSL Golf Day - August 15, 2015
- BOSL Year - End Tournament - September 11-13, 2015
- BOSL Banquet - September 19, 2015
- BOSL AGM - October 22, 2015

February is the start of our recruiting drive to get our membership back to 14 man rosters. We know that the best advertising we have is our members and we are asking for your help in referring friends and family to join - we know that they will enjoy the BOSL experience.
For those of you who have not yet registered for 2015, I ask that you do so as soon as possible to ensure your place in the draft and help us with our membership drive.
Jim Hindley
BOSL President
How to Save a Life!
The BOSL Board of Directors wanted everyone to be aware of how easy it is to use the new Defibrillators we have at the Millcroft and Nelson diamonds (the older model is at Sherwood) for BOSL players. Larry Gagnon (your current President) initiated the process of obtaining 3 replacement units for AND getting all team captains trained in how to use them. Just at the start of this season we noticed a few of the warning lights coming on the units showing time for new battery replacements. Brian Blume managed to get us these new units to replace our old ones - you just never know when it will come in handy guys! Watch this 4 minute video on how to save a life. Thanks guys for thinking of us oldtimers!!! We are lucky to have such forward-thinking people in this league!
News - 2014 > |