June 15, 2016
The Mid-Season Classic 2016
Tonight we are having a Captains' Meeting at Hectors lounge to discuss the Mid-Season Tournament and to draw seedings. Once this is complete, the 1st round schedule will be posted on the website on the Tournament page.
We would appreciate your support and help with :
- We need some individual volunteers to help with the diamond and park setup on Friday afternoon. If you can volunteer to be at Sherwood Forest park at 4:00 PM Friday, please let us know
- Reminder that parking on the grass is not permitted (you could get ticketed)
- Food Services – we are using a new provider - Waxy's on Wheels - please check out their menu offering
- Partnership West Food bank will have a donation truck onsite and we ask that you all bring a contribution. They are in urgent need of:
- condiments (mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, barbecue sauce, relish, salad dressing)
- jam
- coffee (regular, decaf, instant)
- Juice (in big cans and also juice boxes - for children)
- fruit cups (for children)
- granola bars (nut free)
- baby pablum
- baby fruit jars
- hot cereals
- canned fruit
- diapers (size 5)
The weather forecast looks great for the weekend, so please bring sun screen, play safe and have fun!
Jim Hindley,
BOSL President
"We Need You!"
May 31, 2014
Mid-Season Classic
Volunteers Needed for our BOSL Mid-Season Classic
Hopefully everyone is off to a great start this year and enjoying the action on and off the field. 7 games in and ten tams are over 500 which is great to see as far as parity/balance goes!
As you all know, our league is what it is because of the countless volunteers that donate their time and efforts to benefit the league as a whole. Many times it’s the familiar faces of your captains and board members that are the noticeable volunteers out there and, believe me, they all do an fantastic job week after week, year after year. But the need for volunteers goes much deeper than just the captain and board level and, simply put, without the on-going help of the many other players, wives, etc., who donate their time throughout the year we wouldn’t be able to do many of the things we do as a league.
- Individual volunteers for the Friday afternoon set-up and Sunday take-down are needed.
Please contact Michael Ciccone, Tournament Director with any questions.
"They Need You!"
May 31, 2014
Special Olympics Burlington
Volunteers Needed for our BOSL Mid-Season Classic
As you all know we have a special (no pun intended) relationship with our special olympic softball friends. Cate Hawkins - Community Coordinator
Special Olympics Burlington
runs the program and has asked for our help. Cate is looking for seven or eight volunteer umpires (no need to be carded, Don Radke, Dale Latendresse and Scot Cameron did it a couple years ago). Having said that I know we have a lot of players in our League who are also umpires.
This is a fun day and would be good exposure for our league!
Thanks so much for everyone's time and help in this upcoming special event!!!!
Please contact Brent Craigie or Dale Latendresse if you would like to lend a hand and try Umpiring for Burlington's Best Blues
"Thank you volunteers"
September, 2013
Just wanted to say thank you to the players that have emailed me over the season with the missing names from the team photo archives and Hall of Fame stats. A huge thank you to Andrea & Dale Latendresse for getting us the season and tournament photography every season - it seems to get even better every year - that new lens was worth every penny! And thanks to the players that have offered suggestions for website content and helped write our player bios. It's all of you that are making my job so easy.
- Scot Cameron - (web guy)
"Thanks everyone!"
June, 2013
Volunteers helped make our BOSL Slo-Pitch Tournament a success this weekend
Special thanks go out to Jean, Bill & Larry Gagnon as well as to Ron Wilson and Garth Parrish. Ron & Garth quietly do the grunt work required to keep our tournaments running. Big thanks to all the volunteers who stepped up to make it a great tourney!
To everyone who was able to lend Jim a hand this weekend I know it was both needed and appreciated,
Finally, to Jeff/Dan and Tom/John, congrats on your well-deserved championships! Welcome to the Hall of Fame
- Jim Hindley
Volunteers & helpers
