"The Robert Grenier Cup (Mid-Season Tournament Champs)"
Congratulations to our Robert Grenier Cup Winners (Tournament Champions) this year in our 2019 Championship match -- Peter Winstanley & Randy Kobryn (team QBs/Red Sox) defeated Carline Muffler (Orioles). Team PLR defeated VF to take the Consolation Championship.
Year |
Team |
Captain(s) |
2019 |
QB Sports (QBs) |
Peter Winstanley / Randy Kobryn |
2018 |
VanderHout Flooring (VF) |
Stephen Bero / Richard McCullough |
2017 |
EPK Training Solutions (EPK) |
David DeSantis / Peter Afelskie |
2016 |
Mortgage Centre (MC) |
Anthony Colatosti / Erich Schmidt |
2015 |
Coldwell Banker (CBBR) |
Steve Koritko / Joe Gallant |
2014 |
Cdn Tire/Jumpstart |
Nick Popovacki / Rick Fox |
2013 |
Judge & Jury |
Dan Robertson / Jeff Chapman |
2012 |
Deeth & Company |
Kevin Elkins / Kevin Roseneck |
2011 |
McCleary Electric |
Ron VanderMeulen / Jeff Palmer |
2010 |
Great Lakes Hydraulics |
John Bowers / Dave Missions Jr. |
2009 |
2008 |
2007 |
2006 |
Amerispec |
2001 |
BDO Dunwoody |
Gary Verdone & Randy Dake |
"Mid-Season Tournament Consolation Champs"
Year |
Team |
Captain(s) |
2019 |
PhysioLinks Rehab |
Erwin Mendoza/ Chris Waters |
2018 |
Verwey Automotive |
Jim Hindley/ Andy McDonnell |
2017 |
Carline Muffler |
Shane Nevills / Dave Holubeshen |
2016 |
Rich Noble / Ron Evinou |
2015 |
Jerry's Automotive |
Mike Porkolab / Doug Haines |
2014 |
Chris Rogers / Gary Verdone |
2013 |
L3M Freight Solutions |
Tom Clancy / John Bowers |
2012 |
Jerry's Automotive |
Dave Geneau / Doug Haines |
2011 |
Jim Moriarty / Larry Gagnon |
2010 |
McCleary Electric |
Ron VanderMeulen / Jeff Palmer |
2009 |
2008 |
2007 |
2006 |
Deeth & Company |
Richard Krummenacher |
Congratulations to our winners and welcome to the BOSL Hall of Fame! |