BOSL NEWS – Giving Back to the Community
Burlington Blues are Consolation Champions!
Thanks BOSL - July 22, 2012
It was a great weekend and a huge hit AND it couldn’t have happened without YOU!!
This was our first home tournament for the Special Olympic “Blues” and the comments were great from the attendees.....”very relaxed”, “great, friendly umpiring”, “good scheduling”, a”all for the players!” and “we will be back”.
To the crew from BOSL, our ongoing thanks, from the equipment donations, the great umpires and the brilliant support given to us on your Web Site. We have created quite a team that has made us both proud!
A special note to our 2 junior umpires; Mitchell and Ben who stepped up, did a great job and showed us that the future of umpiring is alive and well in Burlington.
On behalf of Cate and I , the coaches and especially the players....”Thanks”
Sincerely, Ken Medland
On behalf our entire league, I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful picture/plaque that you presented us with on Saturday. It will be displayed with pride on our Awards Wall at our Clubhouse. It was a very nice gesture, so thanks once again.
Also thank you to the Blues for taking the time to come out on a Saturday and play our captains in the exhibition game and being an important part of our tournament weekend. It went very well and the announcing was certainly a great touch. As much as your players seemed to enjoy themselves, our players had the time of their lives.
Hopefully we can do it again one day down the road...
Take care,
Mike Porkolab
View photos from 2012 season's special game.
The Burlington Blues Special Olympics team is a male/female team comprised of the most amazing athletes ranging in age from 12 to 51 years old. We are told that they are Special and by special it means they have super-human secret powers. Each player is carefully hand-picked for their own special power. And in the end they tend to kick our butts but bring your beer and a hotdog and watch us all try our best again this year!
They are coached by Ken Medland (ex OT umpire) Bill and Carlo and have had the privige of being assisted off season by some “very special” Old Timers... Dale, Don, Steven and John Bowers.
See you at the very special game Saturday, June 16, 12:00 on Diamond A
View photos from 2012 season's big game.

View photos from 2010 season's big game.
