BOSL NEWS - 2018
October 15, 2018
BOSL AGM at Emmas Back Porch!
Join us at Emmas Back Porch to have one more drink with your slo-pitch friends and take part in our BOSL Annual General Meeting.
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on October 25 at Emma's Back Porch in their "Lodge Room", which is located at 2084 Old Lakeshore Road in Burlington. Doors open at 6:30pm!
Open to all our 2018 members. For those of you who are not familiar, this is your opportunity to voice your accolades for this past season or suggestions for going forward. And you vote for your 2019 BOSL board of directors! Your vote matters, so I urge each and every one of you to attend and have your say.
Please RSVP to me so I have a head count for this event.
There will be a Texas Mickey and a $50 Emmas Gift Card given away as a free door prize for those whom attend!!
We will also be putting out a spread of chicken wings and pizza, FREE OF CHARGE! The room will be staffed with our own Bartender, so come enjoy the night, share your enthusiasm with fellow league members and have a say in what happens next year by voting in your 2019 Board of Directors.
I would like to thank all our Board Member candidates for stepping up!

If you haven’t already done so, please register for 2019 and if you know someone that might be interested in joining please urge them to register as well. Register online
Save this date now, and I hope to see you there!
For review:
2017 AGM Minutes
2017 BOSL Financials
Ron Evinou
League President
September 27, 2018
BOSL, Register Now!
Just 3 DAYS remaining to secure your spot for the 2019 season!
Deadline for early registration is September 30th. You must be registered and PAID in order for your spot to be held. After this date, spots will be filled on a first come first served basis.
If you haven’t already done so, please register and if you know someone that might be interested in joining please urge them to register as well. Register online
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on October 25 at Emma's Back Porch in their "Lodge Room", which is located at 2084 Old Lakeshore Road in Burlington. Doors open at 6:30pm!
This meeting is open to all our 2018 members. For those of you who are not familiar, this is your opportunity to voice your accolades for this past season or suggestions for going forward. Most importantly this is where you vote for your 2019 BOSL board of directors! Your vote matters, so I urge each and every one of you to attend and have your say.
Please RSVP to me so I have a head count for this event if you intend on coming.
There will be a Texas Mickey of booze and a $50 Emmas Gift Card given away as a free door prize for those whom attend!!
We will also be putting out a spread of chicken wings and pizza, FREE OF CHARGE! The room will be staffed with our own Bartender, so come enjoy the night, share your enthusiasm with fellow league members and have a say in what happens next year by voting in your 2019 Board of Directors.
If you wish to volunteer to serve on the Board next season, please email me with your intent to
Thank you, and I hope to see most of you there!
Ron Evinou
League President
September 18, 2018
BOSL, What's Next...
Wow! Another great year has come to a close. Congratulations to the juggernaut that was L3M, league champs and The Paul Ritchie Memorial Year-End Tournament champs! Let's tip the cap to Edward Jones, this year’s consolation champs.
While the dust has settled on this year plans are already underway for next year. Here’s what lies ahead.
First on the agenda is our Awards Banquet and Dance, it’s a good time to reminisce about the past season, not to mention great food and some fantastic door prizes. September 22. Don’t miss out.
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on October 25th at location to be determined.
This meeting is open to all our 2018 members. For those of you who are not familiar, this is your opportunity to voice your accolades for this past season or suggestions for going forward. Most importantly this is where you vote for your 2019 BOSL board of directors! Your vote matters, so I urge each and every one of you to attend and have your say.
Finally; as I touched on earlier, preparations are already underway for the 2019 season. Front and centre is registration! Early registration helps us and you out in so many ways. Planning is key, so if we can solidify our numbers early we have a much better job of planning parks and facilities for 2019. It also allows us to hold the draft early and set our captain-pairs and teams for the season ahead. So, if you haven’t already done so register for the 2019 season and if you know someone that might be interested in joining please urge them to register as well. Register online at
Thank you, and I hope to see you at the banquet.
Glen Baxby
Membership chair BOSL
August 21, 2018
Registration is now open for the 2019 season!
The preferred method of registration is online at
-Returning players must register and pay by midnight September 30, 2018 to be eligible for "priority" for 2019.
-Registration after this time, (which includes the required payment to be considered complete) will be open and inclusive and will be on a first come, first served basis for the following season.
-New players can register at any time and will be draft eligible on a first come first serve basis on or after October 1st, 2018.
Unfortunately, we are required to raise our registration fees to $285 per player for the 2019 season. Increased parks fees and equipment costs led to this change. Good news is it only works out to an increase of $1 per game for each registrant!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact anyone of the BOSL board members.
Please don’t forget to get your 2018 BOSL Year End Awards & Dance tickets being held on Saturday, September 22, 2018 at the Burlington Polish Hall. Available to purchase online at or from your captains. Only $60.00/person!!!
Best regards,
Glen Baxby
BOSL Membership chair
August 7, 2018
BOSL needs you and you need Fall Ball!
Believe it or not, its time to register for Fall Ball.
Time for us to register our 6 full teams!
Once these spots are filled, registration will be closed and we will start
contacting the players.
Fall Ball is everything you ever dreamed about! Tuesdays and Thursdays only
Parks with short fences, colder nights = more HRs :-) It’s fun, ask anyone!
Best Convenor ever!
Registration and schedule is here…
Nick Popovacki
August 3, 2018
Tickets are on sale now!!
Believe it or not, the end of season Awards Night Dinner and Dance is just around the corner. Tickets are officially on sale here Printed tickets will be distributed to your Captains shortly.
This year's function will be held at the Polish Hall (2316 Fairview Street, Burlington) on Saturday, September 22, 2018.
Tickets are only $60 and you are encouraged to purchase tickets for a guest(s).
For those of you whom have never attended, you can expect a HUGE prize table, spectacular dinner and a presentation ceremony of this year's awards!
Great news...we will have 4 bartenders and all alcoholic beverages will be only $5!!!!!
We are currently looking for an entertaining guest speaker. If you have any ideas or contacts you wish to share, please reach out to Bill and Carl.
Bill -
Carl -
We look forward to seeing you all there. Get your tickets before they are gone!
Ron Evinou,
BOSL President
June 26, 2018
Rest in Peace Rich McCullough
It is with profound sadness that we announce the unexpected passing of Rich on June 25, 2018. Devoted husband to Suzie, loving father to Blaze and RJ and stepfather to René and brother to Caroline. Rich will be dearly missed by his family and countless friends whose lives he touched. His undeniable sense of humour, infectious laugh and warm smile followed him everywhere he went, whether it was at the community hockey rink or the baseball diamond where he devoted so much time and effort to the Burlington Old Timers League. He always brightened everyone’s day. His love for hockey and passion to support his community was evident as a longstanding Burlington City Rep referee for the Burlington City Rep Eagles. He will be immensely missed but never forgotten with love in our hearts. As an expression of sympathy and in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Burlington City Rep Eagles or the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
TELEPHONE: 905-336-3321
THURSDAY night – ALL BOSL games are cancelled
Visitation: Thursday between 2-4pm and again at 6-8pm
Dodsworth & Brown Funeral Home
2241 New St., Burlington ON L7R 1J2 - GET DIRECTIONS
Funeral Service: Friday, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Burlington Baptist Church (next to funeral home)
2225 New St.,
Burlington ON L7R 1J2
Celebration of Life: Friday from 1 to 4 at QBs
QB Sports
4460 Fairview Street, Burlington ON L7L 2A4
June 26, 2018
Rest in Peace Rich McCullough
This is a very sad and solemn morning after hearing about the passing yesterday of Rich McCullough. It's a sad day for his sons, stepdaughter and wife Suzie.
Days like today realign life’s priorities. Several of our members have asked us to honour Rich and his families this week and so, we are asking each captain before their game could line up their teams on 1st and 3rd base lines for a moment of silence.
We ask that everyone lend their patience to team VF as the team deals with this tragedy. Some will stay home and some will come out to go through the motions and keep busy sharing the time with their teammates.
We will pass along funeral details as soon as possible
June 21, 2018
Please JOIN US now for our two summer events
July 28 - Golf Day

Our final push is on for the annual BOSL Golf Day. If you have signed up but haven’t paid yet, now is the time to do it. If you are thinking of playing we need you to register now, we have to let the course know what format we are having, shotgun, tee times etc., the format is dependent on the number of golfers we have. This year we have a bat-the-ball hole and two closest to the pin holes for a case of beer!
We are looking for prizes for the prize table, if anyone has anything for the prize table it would be greatly appreciated!
August 11 - Slo-Pitch Day
Join Our ONE-Day Slo-Pitch Tournament Same fun as our Mid-Season Classic with a fraction of the aches and pains!

We are planning to play with six teams on a beautiful day - SATURDAY AUGUST 11, 2018
Play a few games and meet other BOSL players - and support the charity of course :-)
All you need to do is:
- Click here to REGISTER yourself - but ACT NOW - we need to get the sizes of our cool jerseys in right now! and with just three teams to play against us there aren't many spots.
- Pay up - just $35 - wot?!?
- FUN guaranteed - we will put you on the best team, don't worry.
- Burlington Food Bank is our charity for the season
The weather forecast looks great for August 11, so sign up now and meet better players - I mean make new friends
We still need more registrations to complete this and we need to order the shirts soon. Please take a second and register now and remember this is for Charity and a chance to beat up on us!
Thanks to everyone already signed up!
Ron Evinou,
BOSL President
June 8, 2018
Food Donations at the Mid-Season
Gentlemen, the Mid-Season Tournament is quickly approaching!
Special thanks goes out to our entire Board of Directors, especially our Tournament Directors Bill Misener and Carl Camilleri for all the efforts put in to overcome our challenges to make this tournament happen!
We are holding a Captains meeting this coming Sunday where seeding and pods will be determined. Schedules will then be posted on the website. We will also outline all of the excitement and some of the challenges we face during our tournament.
We sincerely appreciate all of your patience with some of the changes during the tournament that we have been required to make during the revitalization of Sherwood, especially when it comes to the parking situation. Car Pool!
Once again, the Burlington Food Bank will be on hand to collect donations on the Saturday. Some of the items they are in dire need of are the following:
- Canned meat (Turkey, chicken, ham, etc.)
- Canned fruit
- Rice
- Pasta Sauce
- Canned Tomatoes
- Juice (large and juice boxes)
- Crackers
- Canned Fish
- Tea/Coffee
- Cake/Pancake Mix
Thanks again for your continued support of our 2018 charity and best of luck to all during the tournament!
Ron Evinou, BOSL President
May 15, 2018
A few good men needed
Friday May 25 - The Burlington Food Bank is looking for help from BOSL during the day on Friday the 25th for setting up their Garden Boxes. Need a few good men to help with shoveling, raking, etc. to prep the garden for planting. We could also use wheelbarrows if any of you have them. The Foodbank started growing its own organic vegetables two years ago and just this year,
thanks to a community matching plan they are growing from 1 to 7 plots – (roughly 4 ft x 10 ft areas for growing). The community gardens are located on Maple street just south of the Mapleview mall. They are asking for volunteers to help in creating the beds – spreading the growing medium and mulch etc.
Planting day to follow – tomatoes, squash, eggplant, zucchini, peppers, onions. They will be looking for gardeners – volunteers that can manage a plot for them as well. Let me know if you are interested in helping the Food Bank on Friday the 25th -
March 26, 2018
Insurance Coverage / SPOA Registration
To All BOSL Members,
One very important duty of your Board of Directors is to manage the appropriate insurance for both the league and all of its members. Since our league and membership are registered with the Slo-Pitch Ontario Association (SPOA) we are able to get excellent coverage at very good rates through their organization. Attached is the brochure showing our coverage which can be found on the SPOA website at
To ensure that every member of our league qualifies for the SPOA insurance, each player must be an active member of their organization. In the past, we could simply provide them with a spreadsheet showing team name and player name. This spreadsheet was uploaded in to their database and that was enough for every member to be covered. Starting this year, SPOA will not be accepting player information in this format. All players this year will need to register with SPOA and provide their own information directly into the website. The following is a link showing a message from the CEO of SPOA that explains the situation
To put this in simple terms, if you don’t register with SPOA and make yourself Active, you will not be covered by insurance should something happen.
We will be providing SPOA with the active e-mail that we have for each player. SPOA will be sending every BOSL member an e-mail with instructions on how to register using your e-mail address as your username. Due to the seriousness of this insurance requirement, both by the SPOA and the City of Burlington, we are going to make it mandatory that EVERY player register with SPOA to make themselves Active in their system. Many of you may already be active with SPOA if you play in other leagues or on Tournament teams.
Any BOSL player who is not active in SPOA by Friday May 4, 2018, will not be allowed to take the field until they have done so. Refusal by a player to register and become active will cancel their membership with BOSL and they will be replaced by a wait list player.
We would ask that captains advise on any of their players that will not be able to register with SPOA due to technology issues (no e-mail, computer, etc.). We will have suggestions on how to remedy these. We will also request that the captains strictly enforce and manage those that fall behind schedule on the registrations.
Scott Sinclair
Vice President, BOSL Board of Directors
March 19, 2018
Upgrade your hat game. Buy a new era flex fit BOSL hat today
Buy one of these BOSL hats for $20 and you will look great for 2018.

Available in grey only – the hats come in 3 sizes (Small/Medium, Medium/Large and Large/XLarge). Purchase one or two here or buy at the Stag. Click here to purchase.
Thanks for supporting the league guys.
Ron Evinou, BOSL President
December 29, 2017
Happy Holidays from the BOSL
On behalf of the 2018 Board of Directors, I would like to wish you all the best during this Festive Season and a very Happy and Safe New Year!
Believe it or not ball season is quickly approaching. The annual player draft is set for Saturday, March 3, 2018.
As of today we have 190 members whom have registered and paid. We are currently in the "first-come, first-served" phase of registrations. This means that the players who have already registered and paid for 2018 have reserved their place in the draft; if you haven't registered and paid, then you haven't reserved your place in the draft.
Full time spots are limited to 224, so make sure you go online to register and pay today!
Acceptable forms of payment are:
- cheque (could be post-dated to February 1, 2018)
- cash (find a member of the board to pay)
- PayPal via the site
- Interac email payment (to
If you are unsure about whether or not you have registered or paid, please email me and Steve Rowsell will get back to you.
Ron Evinou BOSL President
November 16, 2017
Calling all Captains
On behalf of everyone on the BOSL Board of Directors, I would like to welcome you to the 2018 season!
The new season will be upon us before we know it. We as a board have already begun working tirelessly to make this upcoming season as successful as always.
We are currently looking for those whom wish to volunteer to be Team Captains to email me with your intent ASAP.
Captains selections will be made prior to the New Year. We will communicate to all of whom apply to let you know if you have been selected.
For those of you that are interested – THANK YOU for stepping up!
If you are interested in volunteering, please email me at
Ron Evinou, BOSL President
November 16, 2017
BOSL 2018 Registration
With the 2017 season in the rear-view mirror, planning is already underway for the 2018 season. As we discussed at the AGM, there will be new challenges next year, mostly revolving around the city's efforts to refurbish Sherwood park. To mitigate some of these challenges we have chosen to reduce the number of teams from to 16.
We would like to remind you of the new by-law which was passed...
Effective September 11, 2017, returning members from the previous season, provided their registration has been accepted by the elected Board of Directors and their registration payment has been made by September 30th, will receive first priority for placement in the annual player draft. Registration after this time will be open and inclusive and will be on a first come, first served basis for the following season. The registration period will be determined by the sitting Board of Directors and communicated to all existing and potential members via the League Website along with any other form of communication deemed acceptable by the Board. The Board of Directors reserves the right to set the limit of members in any given year based on, but not limited to, number of teams and/or number of players per team.
As of today we have 127 members whom have registered and paid. We are currently in the "first-come, first-served" phase of registrations. This means that the players who have already registered and paid for 2018 have reserved their place in the draft; if you haven't registered and paid, then you haven't reserved your place in the draft.
Spots are going to be limited, so make sure you go online to register and pay today!
Acceptable forms of payment are:
- cheque (could be post-dated to February 1, 2018)
- cash (find a member of the board to pay)
- PayPal via the site
- Interac email payment (to
If you are unsure about whether or not you have registered or paid, please email me and Steve Rowsell will get back to you.
Ron Evinou, BOSL President
News - 2017 > |