Mr. Warner Thomas & The Warner Thomas Award
- Donated to the League by Bob Litzen of Litzen Sports
- Warner had responsibility for uniforms and equipment while he was on the Executive and he and Bob worked closely to make sure the League`s needs were met.
- Bob considered Warner a great friend and wanted memory of Warner to be a permanent part of the League.
- Thus the Warner Thomas Award - presented annually to the Captain who most exemplifies the Oldtimer spirit of fun, fellowship and good sportsmanship.

Burlington Oldtimers Slo-Pitch Executive 1993
(back row: Owen Durkin, Bill Goodwin, Gary McCracken, John (JR) Robinson
(front row: Dave Little, Warner Thomas, Paul Ritchie)
In the summer of 1994, longtime League member, Board member and Sponsor, Warner Thomas passed away after a long and courageous battle with cancer. The executive felt that there could be no better testimonial to Warner and what he had contributed to our league than to name the new Pavilion in his memory. Jim Olmstead and his colleagues at the City wholeheartedly agreed.
So in September, 1994 between games of the year-end tournament with City officials and Warner`s family in attendance, The Warner Thomas Pavilion was formally named and donated to the City of Burlington by our league. It`s an event we can all remember with great pride every time we play at Sherwood.
Thank you to Dave Little for contributing this information about Warner Thomas. |