Carline Muffler
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2022 Ramp Up
Dear BOSL Members,
Just a quick update on league business. Looks like things are trending that we’ll be fully open for a May start to the season!

We are currently firming up our park permits for 2022. The parks open on May 10 so our season will begin on that date. We’re making plans for the tournaments and we have received confirmation that our weekends have been approved. The Mid Season tournament will be held on June 17, 18 & 19. The Year End Tournament will take place on September 9, 10 & 11. The one-day BOSL Charity tournament is scheduled for Saturday August 6th. Once again, we are trying to get all games scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As you might guess, many leagues in Burlington are vying for diamond time so this might be difficult thing to get, but we’re trying.

One concerning issue we currently have is registration numbers. Our numbers are quite a bit behind where they should be at this point in the year. We are considering some advertising campaigns, but we need everyone’s help in recruiting. Due to the current membership numbers we are pushing the draft day to Saturday April 2nd to give us more time to recruit. The location of the draft is TBD but we have a couple of options. If we don’t get enough membership to field 16 teams, we are contemplating a 14 team league for 2022.

If we happen to get enough players for 16 teams, we still do not have enough captains. As I mentioned in the last update, we had quite a few captains step down after last year. We still need some members to step up and consider volunteering for this year. We are looking for captain pairs or singles. If you are interested in captaining for the 2022 season, please contact me at or Steve Bourke at

We still have 2 Board positions open as well. If anyone is interested in being on the Board of Directors, there is still time to volunteer. Anyone that is interested can submit their name and the current Board will approve their appointments. If you are interested or have any questions about the Board responsibilities, please reach out to me.

I hope everyone stays safe and looking forward to seeing all of you soon.

Scott Sinclair
BOSL President

Posted on Wed Feb 02, 2022 9:57 am by admin
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