Edward Jones
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2024 AGM Minutes - Oct 9, 2024
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 13, 2024 10:54 pm Reply with quote
Present Members: 74
Acceptance of minutes from 2023 AGM – Accepted by Jeff R, 2nd Tim Latimer
Call to order.
• Financial update
o Steve reviewed the P&L.
 Explained a few additional costs we incurred over 2024 (Defib, Flags, banners, bases, chalk)
o Questions:
 Why is there again, a high amount of money in our account? Approx $100k vs $75k last year.
• Response from Jason: We have collected 2025 fees for most of returning players but have not had to pay the city for the fees for 2025 invoices. Refer to Net assets to see we are sitting approximately the same at this point as last year.
• Response from Steve: Deeth Fees for 2024 have not been inputted yet as Review is going to occur after AGM.
• David L comment: It is not out of line to have this much in the bank considering the leagues operating budget per year.
o Steve reviewed Tournament portion of the P&L.
 Explained we did well in 2024 despite increased costs such as Bar staff change over, increased security costs and entertainment. Approximately $2k surplus.
o Question:
 Dale L: Historically we have taken a $10k loss at tournaments and this year we have a surplus, how is that?
• Response from Grant: As discussed previously, part of membership fees players throughout the season, which cover the tournaments also.
• Response from Jason: There is no such thing as a free tournament, membership fees cover all games played.
• Comment from Dale L: It wasn’t explained that way and shouldn’t be compared to previous years.
• Response from Jason: It is listed at the bottom but probably not easy to see on the screen. Its not compared to any previous years.
o Note for 2025 – Ensure the method of account for Tournaments is clearly shown or explained prior to going through this section.
o Steve requested vote to retain Deeth & Co as League Accountants for 2025.
 Scott S 2nd
 Vote Passed
o Steve explained Foodbank Donations for 2024 season was over $9,500 this year.
 Thanked everyone for their support.
 Mentioned that we would like to stay with Foodbank as being our partner for 2025 as we know where every dollar is going with them.
o Steve discussed registration numbers
 2025 Season - 175 registered and 148 paid
 Compared to 2024 same time. 169 registered, 157 paid.
o Steve mentioned that there is always need for volunteers to be involved.
 Committees are a good way for players to be involved.
• A list of committees that players can volunteer for will be sent out after the new board is established and working on 2025 initiatives.
 League is always looking for Captains as some are retiring.
 Looking for sponsorships. Some of these options when new board is established.
o Steve explained that there are 11 members of the league volunteering for 9 spots on the board. That is 5% of the league stepping up.  16 members stepping up to be Captains with is 7%. Would like to see these numbers increase as we need the help.
o Steve mentioned that discussions are already underway with the City of Burlington to attempt to get back to Tues/ Thurs games only in 2025. Board will update once they have that info and plan.
o Steve explained this is all for the AGM presentation and we are moving on to the bylaw portion.
 Quick explanation of how we are going to work through each of the bylaw changes.
o After bylaw changes are complete, we will move to the vote for 2025 Board of Directors.
o Bylaw change notes:
1. Head office address
a. BOHC office – Vote Passed
i. Question if we have permission to use this address.
ii. Answered. Yes.
2. Age that players must be within league.
a. Players need to be 35 at start of season – Vote not passed.
b. Players need to be 35 at some point during the season. – Vote Passed.
3. Dates of membership defined.
a. Draft day to Draft day – Vote not passed.
i. Noted from member that actual dates are required for this.
ii. Comment that this was an issue in previous years.
iii. Question about should we allow non-paid members to be at AGM.
iv. Question about what is the point of AGM to welcome everyone or not and what is people can’t make this AGM? They don’t get a vote?
v. Question about why is AGM in October prior to financial review being completed.
vi. Response from member – around 150 people have paid but only 75 attended here tonight. They done believe the issue is payment.
vii. Response from member – If you want to have your say in the league, get your butt here.
b. Membership is from October 1st to September 30th. – Vote Passed.
4. Applications to become a member.
a. Refunds will be given with no reason required – Vote Passed
b. Record reasons for membership not being accepted and provide – Vote not passed.
i. Comments about who is allowed to join and reasons given may not be best interest of league.
5. Termination of membership
a. ONCA related item.
b. Change wording in Steve S document to remove Members x2. – Vote Passed.
i. Discussion that interpretation could lead to a single player putting another player up for termination of membership.
6. Board of Directors
a. Add wording In Good Standing – Vote Passed.
• Motion by member to change President and Vice President to Chair and Vice Chair throughout document – Vote Passed.

7. Election Procedure
a. As per Steve S submission – Vote Passed
b. Cannot consist of an even number – Vote not passed
i. Discussion that things happen and not allowing board to continue if people drop out or not available is not a good thing for the league.
8. Vacancies
a. As per Steve S submission – Vote Passed
9. Captains Committees
a. One member of the Board of Directors will represent the Captains. Vote Passed.
i. Note – Board to ensure that there are regular Captains meetings as they used to occur in previous years.
b. Keep current wording if a Board Member drops out of role.
10. Meetings of the Board of Directors
a. Member would like to allow proxy votes – This comment was about voting the Board of Directors and Bylaw changes.
i. Noted that a method of this would need to be sorted and email is not a proper way to submit votes.
ii. Richard K commented that Voting at board meetings should be left at having quorum as things happen and not all Board Members will be able to make all meetings.
iii. Leave as written. Vote Passed
11. Board of Directors meeting minutes
a. As per Steve S submission – Vote Passed
b. Post within 7 days of approval.
12. Amendment to Chair Vote.
a. Chair will only vote if breaking a tie
b. Vice Chair when occupying seat of Chair, will only vote to break a tie.
c. Vote Passed
13. Rule changes
a. Suggested that all will be made during AGM only for upcoming season. Vote not passed. Keep as is.
i. Members noted that there are rules that may be adopted to align with SPN or safety concerns and they should be vetted by Rules committee before being voted by the board.
ii. Member questioned that they did not know there was a Rules committee.
iii. Available committees will be circulated by the 2025 Board.
iv. Member questioned how an extra game was added to the tournament.
1. Member responded that a survey was put out to all Captains and the decision to keep the new format was made by those results.
14. Board of Directors will oversee and have full responsibility for player vetting.
a. No vote required as this is a Policy not a bylaw.
i. Member reiterated the difference between a policy and a bylaw.
Vote passed to break from bylaw working session to complete the 2025 Board of Directors Vote. Vote Passed.
15. Bios of Board Nominees.
a. In the event there are more people running for the Board than there are spots available, each candidate will provide a brief bio or description of their qualifications. Vote Passed.
16. Election Official
a. Must be announced 1 week prior to AGM. Vote Passed.
17. Add verbiage to updated bylaws.
a. Add Top 9 people with most votes will be elected to Board of Directors.
b. This was voted on and approved at 2023 AGM. Vote Passed to accept into current bylaws.
18. Tournament committee
a. Must have 3 people only with tournament director. Vote not passed.
19. Update to communication items
a. As per Steve S submission.
20. Ron E explained his bylaw submission.  
a. All bylaw changes currently only require 10 signatures of members to be put forward at the AGM. New submission would require 25% of the league to sign for a new bylaw to be brought forward for voting.
b. Member asked to explain what the 25% includes, i.e. paid members, AGM attendees, etc.
c. Motion by Mike M to amend Ron’s bylaw submission to 50 members of existing membership. 2nd by Dan E. Vote Passed to accept Ron’s submission with amendments noted.
21. Dues
a. Word Change as per Steve S submission. Vote passed.
22. Request from Member to add a Bylaw Committee. Not seconded.
23. Past Chair
a. Change time from current Three (3) years before Past Chair can be a voting member of the Board of Directors to One (1) year. Vote Passed.
24. Board Consecutive terms
a. Change consecutive terms from 3 to 4. Vote not passed.
25. Accept bylaws as written or changed from this session. Vote Passed.
End of bylaw discussion.
o Open Forum
o Mike M on behalf of another member.
 Would like new Board to discuss changing jerseys back to sponsor on front vs MLB team so the sponsor is more prominent.
• New 2025 Board will discuss.
o No further open forum items.
o 2025 Board of Directors Vote Results.
o 67 total ballots cast.
 Carl C – 60
 Grant C – 56
 Ron E – 55
 Brad H – 54
 Jason G – 51
 Erwin M - 51
 Kyle H – 50
 Andrew H – 44
 Dan E – 37
o New Board of Directors voted and appointed Brad Hazledine for 2025 Chair.
o Motion to Adjourn 2024 AGM.
o Motion Accepted by 2 members.

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